Update Employment

Updating employment details allows you to control the timing of the Welcome Email and change basic employment data such as start_date and end_date.


  "employment": {
    "start_date": "2014-05-01",
    "end_date": "2014-08-01",
    "hire_date": "2015-09-09",
    "onboarding_start_date": "2017-09-09"


As in our web application, this field sets the date that the employee will receive a welcome notification with access details to begin their onboarding. If set to today's date, the system will immediately kick off the welcome notification and the employee will have access. If set to a date in the future, the welcome notification will be scheduled for that date (usually goes out in the early AM). If set to a date in the past, the welcome notification will go out on the following day. This helps with off-by-one errors if the employee is added close to midnight.

The onboarding_start_date cannot be changed after the welcome email is delivered.

Quick Note about Employee ID vs Employment ID:Employee IDs are assigned automatically by the system and are added sequentially, as are Employment IDs. Typically these values are the same. However, when a Staff Member is rehired via the Rehire Wizard in the application, the employee will be assigned the next sequentially available Employment ID, causing the two values to become out of synch. The Get Employment Details endpoint will always contain the most accurate value for Employment ID.
