Employment object

An object representing an employment period for a particular employee.

In WorkBright, an employee may have multiple Employments – one for each season they are hired to work. Even if your business does not operate seasonally, each employee will have at least one Employment object created when they are first added to the system.

At any given time, a WorkBright accounts operates under a single, active season (also referred to as the "current" season). If an employee has an Employment record for the active season, then they are said to be "employed." When an employee is employed for the active season, they can also be deactivated, e.g. if they resigned or were terminated. Deactivated employees, as well as employees who were not hired for the active season ("unemployed"), do not have access to WorkBright.

idIntegerIdentifier for this employment.
employee_idIntegerIdentifier of the employee.
hire_dateString (format: YYYY-MM-DD)The employee's hire date.
start_dateString (format: YYYY-MM-DD)The employee's start date.
end_dateString (format: YYYY-MM-DD)The employee's end date, if applicable.
onboarding_start_dateString (format: YYYY-MM-DD)The date an employee should begin onboarding.
employee_document_optionsObjectIf Remote I-9 is enabled on the account, will return the Boolean values for the staff member i9_remote_countersign_authorized and i9_remote_reverification_authorized, otherwise will return {}.
statusStringThe employment status of the employee. One of: active, inactive or unemployed.
status_noteStringIf deactivated, the accompanying note or reason.
status_changed_byStringName of individual who last changed employee's status.
(format: ISO 8601)
Timestamp of when employee's employment status was last changed.
season_idIntegerThe ID of the Season this employment is for.
active_seasonBooleanWhether or not the season_id represents the current, active season in the system.
(format: ISO 8601 )
Timestamp of when employee's onboarding email was sent.
onboarding_startedBooleanWhether or not the employee has started the onboarding process.