Signing In with a One-Time Access Token

To use a one-time access token, navigate to the following URL:

Be sure to replace YOUR_SUBDOMAIN and ACCESS_TOKEN with their actual values. Obtain the access token by using these endpoints for staff or admin respectively. Remember that if an access token is not used within 30 minutes of being generated, it will be invalidated. After it is used to sign in, the access token is also invalidated and cannot be used again.

Example URL

Example URL

Once you navigate to that URL, it will redirect to the page of WorkBright forms for the employee corresponding with the access token given. If there are any errors with the URL or the status of the employee, a descriptive message will be shown. Inactive employees will not be able to access forms through the sign in token.

Successful Redirect

Successful Redirect

Webview support

The embedded webview component which navigates to this endpoint must have the following properties enabled:

  • Accepts cookies (for session management);
  • Follows redirects (in order to take the user to their list of forms);
  • Enables JavaScript (for many parts of the UI and UX).