Employee object

An object representing an employee.


A word on the word "employee"

We use the word "employee" a bit loosely here. An "employee" in our system is anybody employed in any way by the company, including contractors, volunteers, or 'other' employee types.

AttributesJSON TypeDescription
idIntegerUnique identifier representing the employee for this account.
emailStringEmail address. Required upon creation.
first_nameStringLegal first name. Required upon creation.
middle_nameStringLegal middle name.
last_nameStringLegal last name. Required upon creation.
birthdateString (format: YYYY-MM-DD)Birthdate.
phoneStringPrimary phone number. Must be between 7-14 digits. Only numbers, parentheses, hyphens, and spaces are accepted.
addressAddress objectPrimary (home) address.
genderStringSingle-character representation of the employee's gender ("M", "F", or "X").
nicknameStringAn alternate or preferred name for the employee.
ssnString (format: 000-00-0000)US-based social security number.
untracked_prior_tenureIntegerThe number of seasons or number of years this employee worked for you prior to be added to WorkBright. This field is used to calculate overall tenure.
groupsArray of GroupMembership objectsList of groups this employee belongs to.
employmentEmployment objectEmployment details.
employee_typeStringThe employee's designation in the system. One of: employee, contractor or other . See Employee Types .
custom_fieldsArray of CustomField objectsList of values for each custom field.
(format: ISO 8601)
Timestamp when record was last updated.
(format: ISO 8601)
Timestamp of last log in, null if never signed in.
undelivered_emailBooleanIf true, the latest email to this employee was not delivered properly.
ri9_notification_methodsArray of StringsList of Remote I-9 notification methods for employee: ["email"], ["sms"] or null.
onboarding_notification_methodsArray of StringsList of Onboarding notification methods for employee: ["email"], ["sms"] or null.
default_everify_account_idIntegerID of the E-Verify account for this employee's I-9 submission. If not set, uses the primary E-Verify account or the selected account during countersign.
sms_statusStringThe latest status of SMS notifications. One of:
opt_out or failed or null. Defaults to null if not sent or if successful. If Employee opts out of SMS notifications this will be set to opt_out. If an SMS notification fails to deliver, this will be set to failed.
applied_for_ssnBooleanIf true, means the employee has applied for a Social Security Number and as such should not have their I-9 submitted to E-Verify until their SSN has been entered. Defaults to false.
skip_everifyBooleanIf truemeans the employee's I-9 will not be sent to E-Verify.