Admin Object

An object representing an admin.

AttributesJSON TypeDescription
idIntegerUnique identifier representing the admin for this account. Cannot be set by an endpoint, only retrieved.
emailStringEmail address.
first_nameStringLegal first name.
middle_nameStringLegal middle name.
last_nameStringLegal last name.
roleStringAdmin's role on the account. One of: admin, restricted_admin, or pending_admin. See Admin Roles.
policyIntegerID of the managed access policy applied to this admin user. Only applies to restricted admin.
groupsArray of IntegersList of Group IDs for groups applied to the managed access policy. Only applies to restricted admin.
created_atString (format: ISO 8601)Timestamp when admin record was created. Cannot be set by an endpoint, only retrieved.
updated_atString (format: ISO 8601)Timestamp when admin record was last updated. Cannot be set by an endpoint, only retrieved.
last_sign_in_atString (format: ISO 8601)Timestamp of last log in, null if never signed in. Cannot be set by an endpoint, only retrieved.