Submission object

An object that represents an Employee's form submission.

The following attributes are present for all form submissions:

idIntegerUnique identifier representing the form submission.
employee_idIntegerThe ID of the staff member who completed the submission.
statusStringThe status of the form submission (pending, accepted, rejected).
document_nameStringThe name of the form this submission corresponds with.
tagsArray of StringsA set of user-defined tags on this submission, applied by admins.
audit_logsArray of Audit LogsA list of countersigning events for I-9 Remote Verification submissions. Note: All forms have this category, only the I-9 uses it. See the Audit Log object for more information.
document_idIntegerThe ID of the form this submission corresponds with.
(format: ISO 8601)
Timestamp of when the submission was received.
auth_rep_rejectedBooleanDid the auth rep reject this submission?
rejection_reasonStringIf status is 'rejected', and the reason is given, it is provided here.
status_changed_byStringName of individual who accepted or rejected the form.
(format: ISO 8601)
Timestamp of when submission was accepted or rejected.
is_current_submission_of_assignmentBooleanIs this the most current submission for the assignment?
uploaded_by_full_nameStringThe name of the user who uploaded the submission.
countersignableBooleanIs the submission ready to be countersigned?
countersignedBooleanIs this submission countersigned? i.e. Section 2 of I-9.
confirmed_at_okStringTimestamp of when the staff member reviewed an uploaded submission.
filesArray of StringsURLs to obtain all PDF and image files associated with this submission.
fieldsArray of Fields OR ObjectForm-I9: Object with attributes, see below. Everything else: Array of field objects (custom and/or standard).
document_verification_resultStringThe status of the document verification (approved, completed, declined, or failed).
document_verification_resolutionArray of Audit LogsA list of events for I-9 document verification acted upon by the administrator.

The following attributes are only present for Form-I9 submissions (in addition to those listed above):

fieldsObjectFields object below.
documentation_setObjectDocumentation Set object below.
is_expiredBooleanIs this Form-I9 expired?
missing_start_dateBooleanIs this employee missing their start date?
is_reverifiedBooleanIs this submission remote verified?
reverify_existsBooleanHas this employee ever been reverified?
reverify_in_progressBooleanHas a remote verification for this submission been started?
documentation_expiration_dateString (format: YYYY-MM-DD)Expiration date for the next expiring eligible document that will need to be updated.
preparer_translatorObjectPreparer translator object below, if applicable.
reverification_rehireObjectReverification object below, if applicable.

Fields of the Form-I9

fields.first_nameStringLegal first name.
fields.middle_initialStringLegal middle initial.
fields.last_nameStringLegal last name.
fields.streetStringStreet address.
fields.stateStringState abbreviation (e.g. CO).
fields.zipStringZip code.
fields.ssnString (format: 000-00-0000)US-based social security number.
fields.emailStringEmail address.
fields.phoneStringFree format primary phone number.
fields.birthdateString (format: YYYY-MM-DD)Birthdate.
fields.other_namesStringAny other names used. "N/A" if none.
fields.citizenship_designationStringCitizenship (citizen, noncitizen_national, permanent_resident, alien). Note: Alien corresponds to Noncitizen Authorized to Work
fields.employee_sign_dateString (format: YYYY-MM-DD)Signature date.
fields.employee_start_dateString (format: YYYY-MM-DD)Employee start date; Present after certification.
fields.employer_certify_dateString (format: YYYY-MM-DD)Employer certification date; Present after certification.
fields.employer_titleStringTitle of countersigning employer; Present after certification.
fields.employer_first_nameStringFirst name of countersigning employer; Present after certification.
fields.employer_last_nameStringLast name of countersigning employer; Present after certification.
fields.business_nameStringBusiness name; Present after certification.
fields.business_streetStringBusiness street address; Present after certification.
fields.business_cityStringBusiness city; Present after certification.
fields.business_stateStringBusiness state abbreviation (e.g. CO); Present after certification.
fields.business_zipStringBusiness zip code; Present after certification.
fields.late_reasonStringOnly exists if the certification took place over three days after the start date; Present after certification if applicable.
fields.late_reason_otherStringCorresponding explanation if user selects "other" from the dropdown menu for late_reason; Present after certification if applicable.
fields.used_alt_procedureBooleanDid the employee use a USCIS Alternative Procedure to verify the I-9 documentation? Present after certification.

Documentation Set object. Details the documentation provided by an employee in an I-9.

documentation_set[].list_keyString (A, B, or C)List the document is included in as part of official "List of Acceptable Documents"
documentation_set[].list_indexStringIndex of document in official "List of Acceptable Document"
documentation_set[].documentation_keyStringUnique name of document for verification purposes- not displayed to user.
documentation_set[].document_numberStringDocument Number (e.g. Driver's License Number, Passport Number, etc.)
documentation_set[].document_titleStringDocument Title (e.g. U.S. Passport).
documentation_set[].issuing_authorityStringIssuing Authority (e.g. U.S. Department of State).
documentation_set[].expiration_dateString (format: MM/DD/YYYY)Expiration Date.
documentation_set[].receiptBooleanIs this a receipt of the document instead of the document itself?
documentation_set[].file_front_urlStringPath to document front image file.
documentation_set[].file_front_content_typeStringContent type of document front image file.
documentation_set[].file_front_filenameStringFilename of document front image file.
documentation_set[].file_back_urlStringPath to document back image file.
documentation_set[].file_back_content_typeStringContent type of document back image file.
documentation_set[].file_back_filenameStringFilename of document back image file.

Reverification Rehire object: Information about an employee's reverification.

(format: ISO 8601 )
Timestamp of submission by auth rep or employer.
reverification_rehire.dateString (format: YYYY-MM-DD)Date of submission by auth rep or employer.
reverification_rehire.rehire_dateStringDate of rehire.
reverification_rehire.new_last_nameStringEmployee's updated last name, if applicable.
reverification_rehire.new_first_nameStringEmployee's updated first name, if applicable.
reverification_rehire.new_middle_initialStringEmployee's updated middle initial, if applicable.
reverification_rehire.reverify_document_titleStringTitle of submitted document.
reverification_rehire.reverify_document_numberStringNumber of submitted document.
reverification_rehire.reverify_expiration_dateString (format: YYYY-MM-DD)Expiration date of submitted document.
reverification_rehire.reverify_used_alt_procedureBooleanDid the user use an alternative procedure for reverify?
reverification_rehire.employer_or_authrep_nameStringName of employer or auth rep.
reverification_rehire.additional_infoStringOther information provided upon submission.

Preparer translator object. Information about the given preparer or translator for an employees I-9.

preparer_translator.submitted_atString (format: ISO 8601 )Timestamp of when the preparer/translator signed the I-9.
preparer_translator.dateString (format: YYYY-MM-DD)Date the preparer/translator signed the I-9.
preparer_translator.last_nameStringPreparer/translator's last name.
preparer_translator.first_nameStringPreparer/translator's first name.
preparer_translator.middle_initialStringPreparer/translator's middle initial.
preparer_translator.addressStringPreparer/translator's street address.
preparer_translator.cityStringPreparer/translator's city.
preparer_translator.stateStringPreparer/translator's state abbreviation (e.g. CO).
preparer_translator.zipStringPreparer/translator's zip code.