List of Events

When configuring a webhook, you can choose the events for which you would like to receive payloads. In order to limit the number of HTTP requests we send to your servers, only subscribe to the specific events you plan on handling. This will minimize unnecessary information and clutter on your servers.

The following webhook events are currently available:

Event NameKeyOccurs when...
All Employee Forms Receivedemployee.all_forms_receivedAn employee has submitted all required forms assigned to them.
All Employee Forms Received, Accepted, and Countersignedemployee.all_submissions_finalizedAn employee has submitted all assigned forms (including optional), and they have been accepted by an administrator and countersigned if necessary.
All Required Employee Forms Received, Accepted, and Countersignedemployee.all_required_submissions_finalizedAn employee has submitted all required forms, and they have been accepted by an administrator and countersigned if necessary.
Form Submission Accepted by Administratoremployee.submission_acceptedAn administrator accepts a form submission.
Form Submission Rejected by Administratoremployee.submission_rejectedAn administrator rejects a form submission.
Form Submission Countersigned by Administratoremployee.submission_countersignedAn administrator countersigns a form submission.
Form Submission Internal Fields Updated by Administratoremployee.submission_internal_fields_updatedAn administrator modifies internal field values for a form submission.
E-Verify Case Details Updatedemployee.everify_case_updatedAn E-Verify case is updated.
Employee Profile Updatedemployee.profile_updatedAn employee's profile is updated either by themself or by an admin. It is not called when an employee is created.
I9 Expiring Documentsemployee.submission_expiring_documentsAn employee's EAD (option 4 citizenship) will expire in 30 days. If it is submitted with an expiration date less than 30 days from submission, the webhook triggers immediately.
Form I-9 Reverifiedemployee.submission_reverifiedAn employee reverifies their Form I-9.
Form I-9 Restarted by Staffemployee.i9_restartedAn employee restarts their I-9 after an auth rep labels their documents as Mismatched.
Employee Submitted a Formemployee.form_submitted An employee submits a form. This can be tailored to trigger with only a specific form or all forms.

One endpoint, or many? It's up to you.

One URL endpoint receiving all webhooks: will need to be configured to rely on the webhook headers and/or payload data to distinguish between events and handle each appropriately.

Many URL endpoints receiving one webhook each: the endpoints won't need to distinguish between events and can handle as is.